
The Wine Of Wine And Wine

Good Essays

Picture this: a star filled night after a long day, its time for some relaxation. It is time to go to the wine shelve, pick a great bottle of wine and then pour a glass. Swirling the glass and an aroma begins to waft, expelling a polite bouquet of fruit and spice. This starts a chain reaction to the nose that then sends a sensation to start the mouth salivating. With the first sip, the sensation of the acidity and body of the wine tickles the tongue, the flavors intensify as if each sip is a building block and layering each flavor atop the next. A pleasant state of relaxation occurs giving the sense of euphoria. Many people are getting into wine and wine making because the amount of marketing that is bombarding consumer. Throughout the growing market of the wine industry more and more people seem to be getting into the wine scene. Wine making has been around for seven thousand years, not always was it as palatable as what we see modern day wines (Philips, 2000). Throughout the decades wine has been cultivated, pressed or smashed, and siphoned into what we know as the modern day wine. Wine is being made more accessible to us from a local and global standpoint allowing consumer to be able to get wines from distances that would have seemed impossible before. People enjoy wine and the way it looks, the way it smells, and the way it tastes. The wine industry over the past years have really began to grab hold of that intention and feed off of it. A few ways that the

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