
Their Eyes Were Watching God Analysis Essay

Decent Essays

The Metamorphosis of Janie Crawford

In Zora Neale Hurston’s novel Their Eyes Were Watching God, Janie Crawford searches for self-knowledge and grows through her relationships with men, family, and society. As Janie progresses in the novel, she takes strides towards black culture, not away from it. Although Janie is the first female in African American fiction to embark on such a journey of self-realization and independence, she is caught in her innocence many times throughout the novel. Janie realizes she must find out who she is as a person before she becomes the subject of others. Janie innocently remarks, “Dey useter call me Alphabet ‘cause so many people had done named me different names.” The name Alphabet suits Janie as a character because she is indefinable …show more content…

Janie is raised by a suppressive grandmother who diminishes her view of life. Nanny came from a rough past during the time of war and slavery but she worked hard to give Janie a good life. Janie was raised to be attracted to financial security and physical protection instead of seeking love. Janie was in a stage of pure innocence abiding by any rules Nanny set for her. As a teenager, Janie used to sit under the pear tree and dream about being a tree in bloom. She longed for something more. The initial loss of innocence was conveyed when sixteen year old Janie kissed Johnny Taylor. The kiss gave her a glimpse of what freedom and self-expression felt like. Even then, she was restricted by Nanny who forced her into a marriage for the purpose of Janie’s physical well-being rather than mental well-being. This instance is expressed when Nanny says, “Tain’t Logan Killicks Ah wants you to have, baby, it’s protection.” Janie learns that marriage does not come with love, and Logan ruins her image of a blooming pear tree that she always dreamt of. Janie’s realization about love causes her to mature into a woman and run off with Joe

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