
Theme Of Revenge In Hamlet

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Revenge is one of the deepest instincts common to humanity. Different people emit different purposes of revenge and are most likely filled with an internal confliction of emotions. Once that individual gets his/her revenge, a feeling of justice is established in the mind. Unfortunately, many people blindly take revenge without thinking of their actions or the consequences and believe that they will be able to move on after they take revenge. Revenge is ultimately placed in the hands of the impatient individual who tries to control karma and does not want to wait for the universe to take action. One common theme in William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, is revenge. This tragedy is filled with a variety of emotions, most of which pertaining to …show more content…

Moreover the audience hears of Fortinbras goal told by horatio stating, “Of unimproved mettle, hot and full/ Hath in the skirts of Norway here and there/ Shark’d up a list of lawless resolutes” (Hamlet 1.1 98-100). Horatio describes Fortinbras a figure of revenge who will stop at nothing to avenge his father’s death and succeed in taking over the Danish. In an article written by Kay H. Smith, he states that the play is “about a man who can’t make up his mind” (Foster 136). Fortinbras mentally is the opposite of Hamlet as he is quick to action while Hamlet dwells on his thoughts. Ultimately, Fortinbras actions wins him success in the end claiming the throne for himself. Furthermore, Fortinbras acts as a foil for Hamlet since he sees Fortinbras as a model for how to act and compares himself saying, “But greatly to find quarrel in a straw/ when honour’s at the stake” (4.4 54-56). Here, Hamlet realizes that Fortinbras reason for revenge is meaningless but that does hold true when one wants to preserve their family’s honor. William Shakespeare includes this important character in this tragedy to relay a strong theme of revenge that will influences the audience's representation for the play.
In many instances, the death of a loved one or family member comes with a variety of complex emotions. Those emotions begin to devour our reasoning and control the mind. On the other hand, if the death of the loved one or family member is caused by another being, our only

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