
Theme Of Sex In The Bluest Eye

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Morrison's first novel, the bluest eye examines the tragic effects of imposing White, middle-class Americans ideals of beauty on the developing female identity of a young African American girl during the early 1940. Morrison in this novel inspired by a conversation that she had once with her classmate who wished for bleu eyes." The Blest eye shares concerns with the two most powerful social forces in the united states during the 1950s and 1960s, the black power movement and the feminist movement"(kubitschek 28). Morrison's concerns for the Black society and the perseverance of its unique culture can be seen throughout her literary work. She always returns to the themes of marginalization and alienation of blacks in white society. The Bluest Eye discuss the experience of the oppressed Black minorities in White society, the majority of Morrison's characters are Black who suffer from racism, poverty and oppression. …show more content…

Sex in the novel is associated with violence, humiliation, and immorality. Instead of sex being an enjoyable act between two people, sex, like race and beauty standards, works as a form of oppression. For both men and women, sexual initiation has devastating effects on an individual's life. The scenes of sexual initiation are particularly violent and humiliating, leaving a lasting effect on the novel's characters. Cholly's first sexual experience is associated with humiliation and hatred, as the white men force him to rape Darlene. Frieda's first sexual experience is forced upon her by Mr. Henry, and causes her to believe she has been ruined. And Pecola's sexual initiation happens through rape. For example Pecola is raped twice: first, by the dominant culture’s ideology of whiteness that denigrates Blackness and destroys her identity, and later, by her father. Rape and sexual molestation is a prevailing theme in classical

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