
Theme of Fate in Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare Essay

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Some people may not believe that destiny is something that truthfully exists in the world. These people doubt that there is anything that is actually meant to be, or supposed to happen, thinking that there is always a way around troubling predicaments, knowing that it is not necessary to turn out just one certain way. They trust that whatever occurs in their lives comes as a result of the decisions that they make with their own free will. Others believe that whatever happens during the course of their lives is inevitable and every event is laid out before them like a road map to life, in other words, fate. William Shakespeare's play, Romeo and Juliet has fate as an exceptionally crucial element which makes fate as important as any …show more content…

It is because of fate that they meet because Romeo says it himself. The final deaths of the lovers is the "consequence" that he is talking about and the bitterness that starts the pathway to their ultimate tragedy is their first encounter, since they are supposed to be opposing enemies. It is also evident that Romeo cannot make intelligent decisions for himself when he says: ?Tut, I have lost myself. I am not here. / This is not Romeo. He?s somewhere else.?(Romeo and Juliet I i, 205-206). Romeo says he is not himself and that his mind is off somewhere else. As fate would have it, Romeo rushes head on into situations that were out of his control .For these reasons, Romeo and Juliet's first meeting was sure to happen, fate being the most powerful force at work, determining their future. Romeo and Juliet?s first meeting was utterly coincidental. Neither person had the intention to find each other. It was fate that had Romeo to see her at that exact point in time when he asked the server who she was and the server could not tell him. When Romeo discovers who Juliet is, he says to himself, "O dear account! My life is my foe's debt." (Romeo and Juliet I v, 132) Despite the fact that they were born into feuding families, Romeo can't help but love Juliet because he already loves her

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