
Theoretical Frameworks For The Management Essay

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Theoretical frameworks for the management study are the schools of management beliefs about human beings and their work organisations are based on schools & study of management according to 19th century, although it has progressed through different stages & there are important factors of management practice. There are different methods of organising important aspects of good management practice .following are the classification of management:
The classic school: it is oldest form found in 20th century. Main aim is to cover management work & efficient work. it has further three subdivisions –scientific management ,Bureaucratic & Administrative management
Contribution: Above mentioned schools have different contribution to schools of thoughts of management classic school came into consideration into 19th century when workers, work at slow force. it is created to improve work efficiency , mental capacity of workers using systemic work methods . it is used to perform jobs in operational managers .
Strength: classic schools improves work efficiency relationship between workers and management. it is made workers to do work seriously & held responsible for any delay in job . it also introduced incentives plan which is based on work standards & motivate the workers to do their best in work & get good salary.
Weakness: only one weak point of this school is that it was unable to represent compare theory of management which contribute in making of behavioural school.

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