
Thesis Statement On Favorite Restaurant

Decent Essays

Nashabre Payton Favorite Restaurant Thesis Statement: I enjoy eating at Red Lobster because it gives me the opportunity to socialize with friends and family, serves great food, and it’s inexpensive. Topic Sentence #1: I enjoy eating at Red Lobster because it gives me the opportunity to socialize with my friends and family. Topic Sentence #2: I also enjoy eating at Red Lobster because they serve great food. Topic Sentence #3: Finally, I enjoy dining at Red Lobster because it’s inexpensive. Has someone ever asked you where you wanted to eat, and you’ve always responded by saying you favorite restaurant? I know I have. Every time my mother would ask me where I wanted to eat at, I would always respond by saying Red Lobster. Sometimes we would …show more content…

You did equal or better than 63% of the people in your education level.
Good job! Your usage of transitional phrases is above average. Nevertheless, you may still benefit from reading the info below.
One sign of an excellent writer is the use of transitional phrases (e.g. therefore, consequently, furthermore). Transitional words and phrases contribute to the cohesiveness of a text and allow the sentences to flow smoothly. Without transitional phrases, a text will often seem disorganized and will most likely be difficult to understand. When these special words are used, they provide organization within a text and lead to greater understanding and enjoyment on the part of the reader.

The following transitional phrases were found in your document: again, by the way, and, finally, for example, for the most part, in conclusion

Consider using additional transitions where …show more content…

The word 'consequently' contributes to greater unity or cohesion between sentences and allows the text to flow more smoothly.

Sentence Length Info
Total Sentences: 41
Avg. Length: 24.3 words
Short Sentences (< 17 words): 9 (22%)
Long Sentences (> 35 words): 6 (15%)
Sentence Variation: 11.2 words (std deviation)
Your writing showcases a good balance between simple and complex sentences, although the effective use of sentence length cannot be easily measured.
Line chart of the length of each sentence (first 50 sentences). A jagged chart indicates variation.
Helpful Resources:

Effective Use of Sentence Length


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