
Thi Former Civilian Police Officers Training

Decent Essays

Training is an art that requires not the ability to perform tasks, but the capacity to explain how and why things are done. For this reason, many police forces employ civilian trainers or develop internal training departments. According to international policing standards, instructors must be familiar with current training strategies and able to use them to enhance learning. Instruction is deemed so crucial that levels of certification should be established for instructors, valid for a set period. Many police training agencies provide their trainers with newsletters that feature helpful hints and information. Most Civpol officers are not familiar with training techniques, much less up to date with training skills and certifications. Their lack of training experience is compounded by the fact that the target audience may not be familiar with concepts such as human rights and the rule of law. Trainers must be able to explain these topics thoroughly. …show more content…

They have experience in international police monitoring and thus are better equipped than many to tackle the tasks of Civilian Police missions. However, although many of these officers are professionals, many others view international missions as an opportunity to pad their salaries without doing any work. In some cases, Civilian Police officers have been caught taking bribes, patronizing brothels, and engaging in other actions unbecoming a law enforcement officer (Carissa, 2012). Such officers jeopardize the integrity of the entire United Nations effort and must not be allowed to rejoin Civilian Police missions. Also, although there have been thousands of officers deployed, the number of qualified officers willing to go on another mission is bound to be limited. Therefore, it is useful to consider former civilian police contractor as possible trainers and mentors instead of using them to increase the number of officers available for

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