
To Build A Fire

Decent Essays

Critique of “To Build a Fire”
London, Jack. “To Build a Fire” In Literature of America, compiled by Jan Anderson and Laurel Hicks, 199-207. Pensacola: A Beka Book, 2009.
Summary Major Ideas
To Build a Fire is a short story by Jack London. To Build a Fire is about a man hiking in the Yukon with only a dog to accompany him. The man finds himself in a perilous situation as the cold attempts to take his life. The man is unsuccessful in building a fire and perishes.
Critical Evaluation Of Work
To Build a Fire accurately shows that lack of vision leads to destruction. Jack London, the author, writes, “But all this – the mysterious, far reaching hairline trail, the absence of the sun from the sky, the tremendous cold, and the strangeness and weirdness of it all – made no impression on the man.” (200) Trekking in the …show more content…

Jack London writes in his short story, To Build a Fire, “ But the man remained silent. Later the dog whined loudly. And still later it crept close to the man and caught the scent of death.” (207) Jack London takes the reader on an intense journey. Throughout the story most readers would hope that the man would build a fire and find salvation in it. However, London decides to close the story out with the man dead in a freezing heap. What a tragedy that this man realizes his fate a short time before his death. What a tragedy that the man is unable to find salvation and that he is unable to build a fire. This is such a great tragedy, and no one can argue against the fact that To Build a Fire presents a tragic plot. Karen Rhodes says in her article, To Build a Fire: Overview, “The suspense is gripping: Will he get the fire built in time? Will he live? London writes the 1902 story with descriptive realism about the snowy tundra, the numbness of frozen feet, the agony of burning flesh.” Of course, the man does not build the fire in time nor does he survive. To Build a Fire effectively presents a tragic

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