
To Kill A Mockingbird Not Be Taught In Schools

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To Kill a Mockingbird falsely advertises the teaching of anti racism and therefore should not be taught in schools.

Currently in many schools across the country students are reading To Kill A Mockingbird written by Harper Lee. Most teachers believe they are anti racism while also reading a classic. This is not necessarily true. The book has many racial undertones that most don’t bring up. This can lead to students blindly reading and acting like the book is the gospel. It’s trying to teach kids how to be anti racist and when authority figures tell you how to act you usually listen. This book tells you this is the right way to be a ally and you will be praised by all of the poor people who need your help. Because of this To Kill a Mockingbird …show more content…

They never seem to stand up for themselves and always happily let white people assert their privilege with no complications.““We went up the staircase and waited at the door. Reverend Sykes came puffing behind us.”...He steered us gently through the black people in the balcony. Four Negroes rose and gave us their front row seats.” (page 219). This man is a Reverend who is being nice and doing them a favor yet they still act as though they are higher then him. He politely stands down to these children and seems to have no problem with this. Jem, Scout and Dill seem to not even realize what he is doing for them and don't even thank him.They seem to not even be aware of their privilege. Reverend Sykes and Calpurnia are the only people from the black community who have some sort of backstory. Even then we don’t know anything about their lives, we just hear about what they do that pertains to Atticus. The only we here of Calpurnia’s family is her son is a garbage collector. “When Mr. Tate and Atticus returned to the yard, Mr.Tate was smiling. “I’ll have Zeebo collect him,” he said. “You haven't forgot much, Mr.Finch. They say it never leaves you.” (Page 159). This only comes up because Atticus saved the day then Zeebo needed to do his job and clean it up. This happens in chapter 10 and it is the first we hear of this important characters life not pertaining to the Finches. Then we have unimportant knowledge about the finches family members that doesn't have to do with anything. “ Jem said, ” How’s Rose Aylmer?” Rose Aylmer was Uncle Jack’s cat. She was a beautiful yellow female Uncle Jack said she was one of the few woman he could stand permanently. He reached into his pocket and brought out some snapshots. We admired them.” (page 89). We learn so much about their uncle in a relatively early chapter and he almost never comes back into the story. We would

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