
To What Extent Does God Exist

Decent Essays

Does God exist? What is faith? Do I know God? These are some questions that are often asked about our religion, within the past few months I've asked them all. Throughout my first quarter of my freshman year I’ve come up with answers. God is real and to the extent of faith, heaven, and my relationship with God all depends on me. I cannot ask someone “Do I know God,” because what are they going to tell me? No human knows the answers to these questions, but we still believe. So yes I believe I have faith, I have a relationship with God, I believe in Heaven, but I don’t believe it because the vast majority of our world does.

Does God exist? There is no Physical evidence that God exists, however there are 5 main evidence points we believe about God's existence. The unmoved mover, how can the earth move without a starting force? The first cause, nothing causes itself so what caused earth? Everything comes from something, for something to exist there had to be a being that it came from or made it, right? Supreme model, who is our …show more content…

Explain how it’s possible for human beings to discover God and how we are different from the rest of creation. Additionally, explain how with “knowing” God your relationship with God and others both positively and negatively.” First I would like to point out that I do not believe in God because the Vast majority of the world believes in him too. I believe in God because that was my choice, the rest of the world has no influence on what I believe. Also, I have trouble knowing God therefore i cannot tell if it affects my relationship with God and others for i am different than most catholics. Most of the people I know only believe what they were taught by their parents. I on the other hand I want to challenge things and discover more and question things because I feel the basics aren't

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