
Totalitarianism In Harrison Bergeron

Decent Essays

Kurt Vonnegut’s “Harrison Bergeron”, is a short story that explores the ideas of humanity in the future. This author is blatantly proving how the saying “everyone is equal” is not entirely true. In this story, the government that imposes totalitarianism has went through the actions of processing equality to the citizens of the United States and through the agents involved with the United States Handicapper General. This showed how this government was able to take the idea of equality and end up stripping the citizens of processing individual thoughts, their creativity and intellect, and basically brainwashed society to believe nothing happening should be considered incorrect behavior Incidentally, Harrison Bergeron is not simply an interesting short story, but was intended for historical satire purposes. "Harrison Bergeron" was written and published by Vonnegut in 1961. Throughout the years, many different variations have been attempted by other authors. Vonnegut was an author who was an American and was viewed as having a very respectable reputation as a writer during his time. This idea of Harrison Bergeron represents the views acquiring from both the social criticisms and also the political view from America. The way that the author, Kurt Vonnegut portrays the political system is founded upon different principles around the ideas of egalitarianism, which basically means that people are meant to view each other as equals to each other. Established in what is known as The

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