
Toyota Knowledge Management

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The concept of Knowledge Management (KM) had introduced since 1990 (Koenig, 2012). The most quote definition about KM is Davenport (1994)’s definition, “Knowledge management is the process of capturing, distributing and effectively using knowledge”. More specifically, Duhon (1998) defined KM as “a discipline that promotes an integrated approach to identifying, capturing, evaluating, retrieving, and sharing all of an enterprise’s information assets. These assets may include databases, documents, policies, procedures, and previously un-captured expertise and experience in individual workers.”
In general, knowledge management is understood as the process of managing knowledge to achieve the best effective of using knowledge. The purpose of KM …show more content…

2. Three distinctive approaches that Toyota used to develop knowledge management practices within their organization
2.1. Tacit knowledge approach to creating and taping local knowledge
- Toyota has used mainly tacit knowledge approach to knowledge management.
- According to Sanchez (2005), the tacit knowledge approach holds that the dissemination of knowledge in an organization can best be accomplished by the transfer of people as “knowledge carriers” from one part an organization to another. Moreover, the knowledge in and available to an organization will largely consist of tacit knowledge that remains in the heads of individuals in the organization.
- Basing on such theory, Toyota believes that the success of IMV is dependent upon the leadership of local engineers (Ichijo and Kohlbacher, 2008).
- Characteristics of Toyota knowledge management strategies with tacit knowledge approach
+ Ichijo and Kholbacher (2008), the historical policy of Toyota when engaging in new market was that it recruits only Japanese nationals to be designers and engineers. They learn knowledge and skills before transferring to overseas …show more content…

Each group proposes “countermeasures” to correct identified problems, and discusses the results of countermeasures taken during the week to address problems identified the week before.
 Through personal interactions, Toyota employees share their ideas for improvement, devise steps to test new ideas for improvement, and assessthe results of their tests.
 (Spear and Bowen 1999) This knowledge management practice, which is repeated weekly as an integral part of the Toyota production system, progressively identifies, eliminates, and even prevents errors. As improvements developed by Quality Circles are accumulated over many years, Toyota’s production system has become one ofthe highest quality production processes in the world.
+ Ichijo and Kohlbacher (2008), for the IMV project, Toyota has used distinctive method. More specifically:
* Description: Toyota used local talent in emerging markets => take advantage of local knowledge from local individuals who understand clearly emerging markets, preferences, customer needs, => Toyota never underestimates the importance of local

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