
Transportation Tokens : Principle Investigator : Michael Axe

Decent Essays

Title: Transportation Tokens
Principle Investigator: Michael Axe
Public transportation, such as trains and buses, in America is a thriving business that helps cuts down on the emission of greenhouse gases into the environment. During the weekdays, 35 million people take public transportation to get to work, travel around the country, or just to easily get around a major city without having to worry about parking. In 2013 alone, Americans took public transportation over 10.7 billion times, which it the highest amount in over 57 years. Because of this high amount of people taking the public transportation 865 million hours have been saved in time that would have otherwise been spent in traffic. Public transportation has also saved 450 million gallons of fuel that would have been burned in traffic alone.
It is estimated that 4.7 metric tons of CO2 are released by a single car per year, and given the fact that there are 253 million cars in the US alone, that means that 1.2 billion tons of CO2 are released every year from cars alone. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has stated that “Transportation accounts for 27% of Greenhouse Gas emission in 2013” (EPA Staff, 1) [2]. This includes cars, truck, ships, trains, and planes. According to the America Public Transportation Association (APTA) “Public transportation use in the United States reduces our nation’s carbon emissions by 37 million metric tons annually. This is equivalent to Washington, DC; New York City;

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