
UCCC Social Media Policy

Decent Essays

Inevitably, it is disheartening to learn about the feelings of a staff member toward me as a leader. As I read through this comment it leads me to believe that accepting the friend request was not the best decision. Upon accepting the friend request it exposes the personal life and feelings of each other. The Board of Trustees is recommending a social media policy to determine the boundaries for the staff as it relates to social media. There are no laws prohibiting our office from having a social medial policy. However, social media policies are regulated by the National Labor Relations Act and it is enforced by the National Labor Relations Board.
The regulations on social media policies limit the employer’s ability to place restrictions on the staff …show more content…

We acknowledge that employees may engage in social media activities. Thus, described below are guidelines to follow as it pertains to our office and social media.
1. Employees cannot disclose any patient health information as protected by HIPAA or any confidential patient information kept in our office through any social media comment, private messaging, video, or picture.
2. Employees cannot post any social media comment, private messaging, video, or picture of any patients, visitors, clients, or customers of our office to protect the health status of our patients.
3. Employees cannot engage in any social media comment, private messaging, video, or picture that would be characterized as individual complaint specific to the employee or not intended to induce a group action.
4. Employees cannot disclose any internal policy or procedure, internal office forms, or any internal office communication through any social media comment, private messaging, video, or picture.
5. Any social media comment, private messaging, video, or picture that includes the name of our office would need to be approved by the Practice

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