
Unauthorized Immigrant Workers

Decent Essays

Thousands of migrants from Mexico have come across the border to the U.S in search of work but, is it having any effect. Today the impact of unauthorized Mexican migrants has a noticeable effect on the U.S workforce and economy. First off, low-skilled Mexican immigrants are making the U.S labor force more efficient. Secondly, the pure numbers of unauthorized Mexican migrants is having an effect on the economy. Lastly, unauthorized Mexican migrants are having largely positive but negative effects on the U.S workforce and economy. These could also be responsible for the efficiency of the unauthorized Mexican workforce.
The university of Colorado-Boulder’s, Brian Cadena web article, “Low-Skilled Mexican Immigrants Are Making The US Labor Market …show more content…

Unauthorized Immigrant Workforce Stable After the Great Recession” by Pew Research center addresses the reasons behind the decline and stabilization of the unauthorized immigrant workforce. Through the use of statistics and data the author proves his claims. Passel does this to show the decrease of the immigrant workforce in the U.S after the recession. Passel writes,” Compared with their sizes at the start of the recession in 2007, the unauthorized immigrant workforce was slightly smaller in 2014 and the overall unauthorized immigrant population was markedly smaller”(Passel). This article helps to show the current size and rates of growth for the Unauthorized Migrant workforce in the U.S and the effects it has on the economy and the labor force. This article only highlights one of the many effects the Undocumented Migrants have on the …show more content…

Economy” published August 12,2014 on the Economic Policy Institute argues the effects that Unauthorized Migrant workers have on the U.S economy and workforce. The author guides his article in a question answer format to answer several questions about the topic. Costa’s purpose in writing the web article was to clear up some misconceptions about fundamental aspects of this topic. He writes this article to the Economic Policy Institute’s audience to answer questions about the effects mexican migrant have on the economy. To supports this he writes, “One way to quantify immigrants’ contribution to the U.S. economy is to look at the wages and salaries they earn, as well as the income of immigrant-owned businesses, as a share of all wages, salaries, and business income in the United States”(Costa). By giving several ways that mexican immigrants have on the economy it gives people a better understanding of the positive and negative effects that they have. Whether those effects are positive or negative they are having an effect. To conclude,these articles have supported the effects of unauthorized Mexican migrants on the U.S. In the United States unauthorized Mexican migrants are having mixed effects on the economy and workforce,whether positive or negative. Unauthorized Mexican migrants are making the workforce more profitable. The size and growth rates of Mexican migrants

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