
Understanding The Complexity Of Measuring Intelligence And Definitions Of Intelligence Essay

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The topic that will be discussed in this paper is Culture and Intelligence which were developed by Howard Gardner. In order to test or begin to understand the complexity of measuring intelligence and define it we have to research information on Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence Theories. In the theories of Intelligence Gardner argued that to measure intelligence or get a clear understanding, it can be measured in seven areas. The areas are linguistic, logical mathematics, bodily kinesthetic, interpersonal, and intrapersonal. (Bruadli, A.C. T., 2016) In today’s society these seven intelligence theories are used to define intelligence levels in the classroom, on jobs, and other areas of individual’s lives. When researching these levels of intelligence it is based off how an individual’s ability to solve problems may be effected by their culture, environment, or biologically. (Bruadli, A.C., T.1996) In this paper I researched three areas of the multiple intelligence theories. The first one I focused on was logical mathematical, second Musical, and third Bodily Kinesthetic. Also in the paper I will discuss the culture differences of intelligence between the United States culture and the Japanese culture, in how the two cultures define what intelligence means to their culture. (Furnham, A., Hosce, T., Li-Ping Tang, T., 2001) Logical Mathematic The first Multiple Intelligence discussed is Logical Mathematics. This area of intelligence is defined as have the ability to be able to

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