
Unit 5 Health And Social Care Level 2 Unit1

Satisfactory Essays

2 staff in bedroom 1 transferring an individual to wheelchair; staff changing an individual in bedroom 2 (privacy observed); staff organizing/tidying bedroom 10; staff organizing/tidying bedroom 6; staff bathing an individual in bathroom 2; staff grooming in bathroom 2; staff in unit 1’s tech station reviewing/writing the daily assignment sheet; staff escorting individual to dining room; and EDA was in the dining room feeding. Individuals sleeping in wheelchair: Between 7:00a.m.-7:25 a.m. (Twine and Tammy)

Individuals’ Appearance: Good

Activity Rooms: Sports kit on rolling table in activity room 3 and Prehistoric kit sitting on the bed in activity room 2/bedroom 11.

Environmental Safety:

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