
Unit 531 Week 2 Budget Analysis Paper

Satisfactory Essays

Since Florida MIS is relatively small business focusing in part of the Tampa area the budget can still be considered low. Until the time that Florida MIS expands the budget can be kept at a minimum. To determine the budget for structuring the social media platform there needs to be budgeting in salaries, system tools, and networking. - Salary restructure will be based on the current job duties of the administrative staff and the new tasks/role for the positions for managing the social media site. Based on Glassdoor’s information on administrative specialist salaries are average at $47,408/yr. A social media specialist position salary would be around $52,552/yr on average per Glassdoor. Based on the position restructuring of the administrative specialist position a pay raise may have to meet the new roles and duties (Company Salaries 2017). - …show more content…

The most basic system tool to monitor traffic information and determine user base would be Google Analytics. The benefits if using this software is that it’s free to use under certain conditions, as long as the page views are not over 5 million per month (Google Analytics 2017). This is huge benefit because it practically provides free monitoring software with no costs. Another system tool to review is Hootsuite, which allows control over comment feeds. This program ranges from $19 to $499 a month depending on the sites being managed (Hootsuite 2017). In the context of Florida MIS $19/mo would be the target price due to only managing one social media platform. The nice feature is in the event that Florida MIS expands and needs to expand its footprint to other social media platforms it change service to accommodate the

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