
Vaccination Pros And Cons

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What is a vaccine? A vaccine is a weakened strain of an antigen used to stimulate the body to produce antibodies to gain an immunity against a variety of diseases. So what the reason makes vaccination controversial; is it the risk of the drug’s side effect? The ingredients used to create the drug? Do the Pros outweigh the Cons? How effective are vaccines? The debate about giving the vaccine to children are the group that is anti-vaccination “say that children’s immune systems can deal with most infections naturally and that injecting questionable vaccine ingredients into a child may cause side effects, including seizures, paralysis, and death.” The group for vaccination argues “that vaccination is safe and one of the greatest health …show more content…

The argument about the side effects of the vaccines is that the effects from the vaccines are worse than the disease itself. While it may be seen that the side effects are bad, "The diseases are all associated with serious complications that can lead to hospitalization or even death." Which brought on vaccines to prevent the disease and that trip to the hospital, the symptom of certain diseases can cause severe pain, high fever, inflammation, nausea, and etc. versus the effects of the vaccines which can cause mild to moderate fever, and some incident of serious side effects only rarely occurs. Vaccines have proven to reduce the death count significantly to the diseases that once killed many, as the life expectancy becomes longer the results of vaccines becomes more apparent. Another concern that is arguably the most frequently debated is that natural immunity is considered longer lasting in contrast to artificial immunity. While the argument is valid and holds partial truth we should look at it in different perspectives. Our body has two types of immunity, passive immunity which is a short lasting immunity that develops immediately by the passing down from mother to child through the placenta or breastfeeding. The second type is active immunity, which both artificially acquired and naturally acquired immunity falls under, this immunity occurs when the body is exposed to the antigen or pathogen resulting in the body to respond by producing antibodies. This process takes

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