
Verizon 's Score Card Analysis

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Verizon’s Score Card Juan Espinoza Judson University The major competitors for Verizon are three national wireless service providers AT&T, Sprint, Nextel, and T-Mobile. Its biggest competitor is AT&T, it claims the highest market share in the industry behind Verizon. Verizon also competes with regional wireless service providers, such as U.S. Cellular, MetroPCS and leap wireless. There is very strong competition and it will continue to increase. The expansion of new products and services also plays a huge role to increase competition. Since the early 2000’s Verizon’s network has been the strongest in coverage in the industry. Its competitors are also right behind them trying to beat them. There is a very small difference between its competitors on network coverage. If Verizon doesn’t find a new strategy to set them apart from its competitors they will fall back and will not be the best cell phone network provider. The competitors are investing a lot of money on adding more towers to get better coverage. In order for Verizon to stay ahead of the game the have to implement a new strategy. The customers have it very easy to switch providers. There are providers that will even pay off your contract to switch to them. A lot of it competitors are constantly running promotions to get them to switch to them. “for example, sprint ran a campaign in late 2015 and early 2016 to cut Verizon’s customers ‘bills by half. The promotion even covered the cost of terminating

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