
Video Analysis: Humanity From Space

Decent Essays

Humanity from Space
The producers of “Humanity from Space” video brought up a very interesting and intriguing topic about how humans able to transform the world through technology. I am optimistic; I have always appreciated the benefits of technology, which brought to our society regarding agriculture, communication, and transportation. I believe technology is critical to our survival and it is the main reason why humans are different from other animals. The video “Humanity from Space” revels the mind-blowing influence of human on the planet and how we transformed the planet in-order to establish an interconnected world. I think the producers of “Humanity from Space” video, made many good points about the negative and the positive effects of …show more content…

Most source of energy such as coal, nuclear, oil, and natural gas do substantially more harm to our environment than good. As it mentioned in the film, these harmful energy source causes pollution, health problems, shortage of water, shortage of land, and causes global warming. Nevertheless, we could avoid or minimize these disasters by using green energy sources such as wind and solar power. Harnessing energy from solar and wind is the cleanest and most effective ways to generate electrical energy. In addition, it is cheap and produces no toxic pollution. Yet, there are some negative consequences of using these energies. For example, land use, habitat loss, and shortage of resources are some of the main effects of using these …show more content…

Also how population growth eventually outstrips our resources such as land, water, energy production, and food production. According to the video, the number of population could reach nine billion by 2050. This overwhelming population growth could be very problematic and most likely could be the cause for the end of humanity. Yet, their solution to these problems was technological innovation. I agree technological innovation could reduce many problems such as food shortage and energy shortage. However, there are other problems like water scarcity and climate change, and political instability, which are impossible to prevent by innovating new technology. So, I think the producers should have come up with other solutions such as finding acceptable means of reducing the population growth rate.
Additionally, many innovations such as green sense farm are practical only in the developed world, especially the United States. Other undeveloped countries cannot afford most technologies that are mentioned in the film. In fact, undeveloped countries were barely touched on the film. I felt this was particularly a problem in the presentation of the challenge of feeding the world's skyrocketing population growth. I believe there is tremendous potential in undeveloped countries in particular to increase food production through agricultural development.

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