
Web Architecture And Components That Enable Internet And Web Functionality

Better Essays

Unit 28 – Website Production Assignment 1
Alex Aricci – 2nd October 2014



The purpose of this report is to outline the web architecture and components that enable internet and web functionality.

Internet Service Providers (ISP)

ISPs are the companies which own or rent the infrastructure which provides internet access to its customers for a fee. ISPs often offer different services at different price points with more expensive ones often having higher bandwidth and download limits (or no download limits at all) as well as sometimes providing phone and digital TV services (for instance, Sky, Virgin, BT) although available services vary locally due to differences in infrastructure.

Web Hosting Services

Web hosting services provide space and bandwidth on the internet for people to make their websites available online. When a web page is requested the web host sends a web page to someone trying to access it via a server.

Domain Structure

The Domain Name system is a system on the internet used to translate IP addresses (long string of numbers that describe the “location” of a resource on the internet) into recognisable names, this makes it easier for humans to navigate the internet as it is much easier to remember the name of a website than to remember its I.P. address. It is a hierarchical system that points users to various resources, computers or services on the internet, such as images or videos.

Domain Name Registrars

Domain Name Registrars allow

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