
Were The Dark Ages Dbq Research

Decent Essays

Were the dark ages actually dark and disastrous for 1000 years? Upon asking people what happened during the Dark Ages, many would say that it was a time period full of war, barbarism, famine, destruction, and plague. However, the dark ages had many advances in technology and education. Like all time periods, the Dark Ages had its perks and its downfalls, just more intense and exaggerated that when passed on from generation to generation, the stories may change or be slightly altered. There are many first hand evidence that and facts about this time period that shows a structured economy, trade, construction, trade, education, and happiness. In this essay, I will show you 5 different reasons why the Dark Ages weren’t as horrible as you may …show more content…

These documents are not first hand, but both come from reliable sources that are stating facts on the buildings and universities that were created during the Middle Ages. The first document, document F, states the 10 oldest universities in Europe. They were founded in the early 11th century to the 13th century. This is the same time period that people believe were the Dark Ages. However, in document A and the American Cyclopedia it says that during the Middle Ages they suffered a decline of education and fell into an “Intellectual depression”. This document contradicts what the others say because this shows that there was a push towards education during that time. In document G, it talks about the gothic cathedrals built in the middle ages, specifically the Notre Dame. These buildings were the largest buildings in a city and had elaborate designs. These buildings were extremely thought out and planned, and if the Middle Ages were “poverty stricken” and “semi-barbaric”, they would not have been able to construct these beautiful buildings. And these pieces of evidence are just from facts. There are first hand pieces of evidence that also support my evidence on why the Dark Ages weren’t as dark and twisty as it …show more content…

The records in the mid 9th century talks of destruction, war, criminals, and poverty. This Document also supports my claim that there were dark times during this time periods that were devastating. Travel was difficult there were negative experiences going on. However, this happens during many if not all time periods because we are all humans attempting to figure things out. This document might also have a bit of a religious bias because they are referring to the Vikings north as “Heathens”. They wouldn’t even refer to them as a tribe, but a group that is not in their

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