
What Components Form A Patient's Experience Of Pain

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Pain perception consists of more than mere sensation. Researcher’s interest has been held in the task of determining what components form a patient’s experience of pain. The perception to this particular stimuli has a strong psychological contribution where both affective and evaluative components hold emphasis as some of the main predictors in a given pain signal. Production and transmission of pain signals in addition, also contribute to an individual’s experience with pain (Patterson & Ptacek, 1997).
Burn injuries are identified as one of the most devastating forms of individual trauma. However, the mortality rate for patients have reduced in recent years as several studies begin to examine the effects virtual reality (VR) and hypnosis have in this field. Similar outcomes have been produced from various studies and in addition, correspond to previous reports. A significant and frequent finding among the studies was the preliminary evidence presented that entering a virtual environment can control burn pain and further, the usage of hypnosis in reducing the pain experienced.
According to Melzack and Wall’s influential Gate Control Theory of pain, higher order thought processes can change how the patient interprets incoming pain signals and also change the amount of pain signals allowed to enter the brain (Hoffman et al. 2004). The theory accounts for both “top-down” brain influences on pain perception as well as the effects of other tactile stimuli. This entails that

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