
What Does Fire Symbolize In Fahrenheit 451

Decent Essays

In Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, symbolism plays a key role in crafting the theme of the novel. Fire is a multifaceted and powerful symbol. The Tree of Life is a strong biblical allusion used throughout the story. Bradbury metaphorically describes books as birds many times in the novel as well. Together, these symbols are used to develop the theme of change being possible if one expands their knowledge and is free to create their own opinions

In the beginning of Fahrenheit 451, fire is a symbol that represents power. When Montag burns books, he never thinks twice about it. Towards the middle, Beatty exposes a new view on fire. According to the fire captain, flames can be used to start over, not just to burn things. But it isn’t until the …show more content…

The Tree of Life symbolizes redemption, and shows that Montag has overcome many obstacles. He is now able to change his life and make it better because the Tree of Life will heal the city after the war. He can become a happier person now that he had overcome his troubles. The Tree is also located on a river, and while Montag floats downstream while he is being chased, he thinks about what he is leaving behind in the city.
...going away from the people who ate shadows for breakfast and steam for lunch and vapors for supper. The river was very real; it held his comfortably and gave him the time at last, the leisure, to consider this month, this year, and a lifetime of years (140).
While he drifted in the water, he imagines his future being different from his past in the sense of being able to relax and take time for himself. He feels like he is being taken away from people who hold him back from being himself and is entering a new life where he is

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