
What Does It Mean To Be Sacred

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In The Elementary Forms of Religious Life, Durkheim argues that when it comes to religious praxis, the world is divided into two distinct categories, the sacred and the profane. Essentially, the profane describes the aspects of our lives that are ordinary and are meant to be kept separate from the sacred, which describes aspects that are to be treated as extraordinary and deserving respect. In reference to the sacred, Durkheim discusses totemism and its significance, explaining that totems are objects that embody the identity of a society, and can also be representative of the divine. He says that a totem “expresses and symbolizes two different sorts of things…it is the outward and visible form of what we have called the totemic principle or god. But it is also the symbol of the determined society called a clan” (Durkheim 2004:75). …show more content…

Gods are inevitably sacred entities, so would this entail that societies are also sacred? In this paper, I will argue that society does hold sacred elements in the sense that it obtains an abundant amount of respect and reliance from its members and has the power to influence their lives. I will explain that for something to be sacred depends on the views of people and relate it to the aspect of society.
When it comes to religion, it is often tied to the supernatural or the divine. However, Durkheim argues that the idea of the supernatural is not an important factor of religious practices (Uricoechea 1992:159). The sacred does not always have supernatural qualities. It is more about the value that it holds to individuals that makes it sacred. Therefore society can be considered as such because people value it as means of shaping one’s

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