
Religion And Its Role Of A Peace Keeper By French Sociologist E ́ Mile Durkheim

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Religion, as described by French Sociologist Émile Durkheim, connotes a “unified system of beliefs and practices, relative to sacred things” (Durkheim, 1965). The word ‘unified’ suggests religion plays the role of a peace keeper, presenting individuals with a shared sense of understanding through the rituals, as well as the belief in a higher power or God. Within a contemporary society, religion is arguably playing a different role to that which it played during the early 20th century, a time throughout which Durkheim’s sociological influence and research was prominent. Contemporary, postmodern societies are far more likely to use and exploit religion in a varying way, for many reasons - technological advances and media takeovers, not to …show more content…

Figures show that religious participation rates are indicative of a generational effect involving religion, in which “48% of children tend to follow either their mother or (a little less often) their father” into their religion (Voas, 2005). In this case, the influence from parents is arguably the main factor leading them into religion. Voas goes on to state that for children with no religious influence from parents, the chance of the joining a religion is significantly lower. To me, this shows that the role of religion in contemporary societies Is not necessarily about the individuals own needs, rather it stems from family and continues across generations. However, as Voas (2005) then goes on to outline, with each generation comes less religiosity. Certain factors overtake the importance of religion, and thus as a new child is born, so is another consumer of capitalism. However, one downfall of Voas’ research is that It is only based on contemporary society in Britain. This factor hinders otherwise strong stand alone statistics, which would be far more comparable had other contemporary societies been considered.

Postmodernism and interlinking theorists are important to bring into this discussion of religion. In recent years, postmodern researchers such as Lyon and Davie have produced inquisitive and relevant studies on religion within the modern world. Firstly, I will outline the theory of ‘Jesus in Disneyland’ and the ‘McDonaldization of the Church’

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