
What Is The Similarities Between The Lamb And The Tyger

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The Lamb and The Tyger William Blake, a prominent poet in the late 1800s, wrote some of the most meaningful pieces that are still looked at today by many. Poems are unique because they must arrive to the point while also compacting all of the necessary literary devices needed for a concise message. William Blake does just this especially in his contrasting poems The Lamb and The Tyger. The poems The Tyger and The Lamb along with their literary devices coexist in order to create romanticism and to convey William Blake’s important contrasting messages of innocence and power. In the poem The Lamb, the principal theme is innocence. The picture in the poem displays a young naked boy speaking to a lamb. Both the lamb and the child represent innocence …show more content…

It is documented that Blake had raw talent in coloring and writing. Not only did he show such rare potential at a young age, he also claimed to have several supernatural visions. Almost every poem he has written involves a higher being perhaps because of his miraculous visions that he has experienced. His most famous poems contrast each other in that they talk about completely different things. Blake's songs of innocence go in depth in describing our existence and how nature is more related to ourselves than we think. William Blake's other poems deal with a different perspective that involves the loss of innocence and power. Blake wrote these contrasting poems in order to teach readers and scholars the important relationships they have with each other. The Tyger for instance is a poem that deals with power and corruption. The Lamb is a poem that makes us readers ponders the most basic unanswered human questions. Naturally many view a lamb as weak, and I think that the author did this in order for him to tell his message.
The Tyger by many is viewed as a poem that deals with God's other characteristics. God is viewed as merciful in the Lamb, however, in the Tyger, God is viewed more along the lines of the immense power he possesses. The Tyger naturally is a creature of power because of the strength it

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