
Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior, By Amy Chua

Decent Essays

In the article “Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior” the author Amy Chua believes that by not allowing their kids to do a lot of things that normal children can do, Chinese mothers produce the smartest children. Some of the things they don’t allow their children to do are attend sleepovers, be in a school play, get a grade less than an A, and choose their own extracurricular activities. Chinese mothers are not superior but abusive because their methods seem to seclude them from learning the communication skills needed for success in their child's adulthood, it can hinder the relationship they have with their children, and can sometimes lead their children to develop thoughts of suicide.
By not letting their children attend and participate in play dates, sleepovers, school plays and other things that help develop their social skills they are setting their children up for failure. Children need to be around people in order to develop the right and wrong way to treat people. When they aren’t allowed that right, in some cases, it can cause behavior problems which then strip away some of their children’s opportunities. When all of this comes into play it can and most of the time will result in one way or …show more content…

Among Asian-American adults, those aged 18-34 had the highest rates of suicidal thoughts (11.9 percent), intent (4.4 percent) and attempts (3.8 percent) compared to other age groups. This shows that the strict method that Chinese mothers use usually leads to their children to develop elevated levels of suicidal thoughts. A paragraph in the article Christine Lu states that ” My big sister was what I use to jealously call “every Asian parent’s wet dream came true”, she committed suicide a month after her wedding at the age of

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