
Why Did I Choose Ivy Tech College

Decent Essays

Why did you choose Ivy Tech Community College? The reason why I chose ivy tech is because I moved from the great city of Chicago in was looking for a school that wasn't too high on my pockets. I was looking for a school that cared about their student's future. That's the reason why picked ivy tech, because the classes are very cheap and the teachers that work there care, about their students and are educated on the classes they teach. Ivy tech through my research had the number one rank from incoming freshman graduating from high school. That's really good because that means they are doing something right to be getting so many students enrolling. Also I have found out that students who graduated earned more than other people who graduated …show more content…

I can afford to put money in the bank for a new car. That way I would have my own transportation in I wouldn't have to pay 50-100 a week to ride cabs to go washing, grocery shopping and getting my haircut. That's why I am doing this essay now because this free money would change my life. So I would like to thank ivy tech for providing these service to students that are in need of help. Again thank you. What are your career goals and ambitions following completion of your degree? My careers goals are something that I really admire. The reason I say that because I would like to create my own software company. But first after completing my degree I plan on enrolling into a bachelors program as soon as possible after getting my associates. I would also like to enroll as an intern at the famous moving making company Pixar. I say that because I also like to write in create movies. Animation movies of course. I think I have great movie ideas in my head that will change the world in a good way. I have stories that are funny but also have huge meaning in them. I know that my future is looking bright in I can thank ivy tech for that because this is the first step towards my amazing

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