
Why Didn T The South Have The Right To Secede

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Why the Civil War was fought is a question that, to this day, is still not entirely clear. Many people say that the Civil War was fought over the issue of slavery, while others believe that the South seceding was the prominent issue. While slavery was the original issue that started the war, the secession of the Southern States is what mainly drove the Civil War. The reason the Southern States were fighting for secession was because the Northern States were not giving the South equal say and power in the government and were also threatening to take away the South’s way of life and primary beliefs. While many believe that the South did not have the right to secede the South did have the right to secede. One of the main reasons that people believed, and still believe, that the South did not have the right to secede was because, as a nation the South, with the North, signed the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Independance, and the Constitution. In the Declaration it says that all men are created equal and have the right to some undeniable rights. The North believed that by keeping slaves the South was not giving …show more content…

The South did sign these documents but with the knowledge that contained in the documents was the right to secede if any “intolerable oppressions” arose. The Declaration of Independence states that “they (the Southern States) have full Power to levy War.” Thus proving the fact that the South did in fact have the right to secede. Another reason some people disagreed with the South’s right to secede was because succession would cause an unnecessary war and would tear families apart. If the South did not fight for succession families would still have been torn apart. The North would have taken away the South’s means of living and forced families to separate in order to

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