
Why Do Illegal Immigrants Deserve Their Human Rights

Decent Essays

Immigrants are people who live in a country that they weren’t born in. The term “illegal immigrants” is used for the people who cross the border without becoming a resident or citizen. Some Americans believe that their country is being taken over by illegal immigrants and that these immigrants don’t deserve to live here. Many immigrants are treated as less than human. Even though immigrants can take over many roles of citizens, immigrants should have more rights because they are discriminated against by US law and immigrants deserve the basic human rights.
Immigrants could possibly take over many roles of American citizens if they get more rights. Schools, hospitals, and other public services will become overpopulated if immigrants are allowed in the country. They are already believed to have taken jobs from Americans even though they can’t work legally. Immigrants take American jobs while the government pays for their needs. If, instead of giving immigrants rights, we give foreign aid to countries then our social services wouldn’t be wasted on immigrants. Keeping immigrants out could also keep out terrorists and drugs. …show more content…

As long as you are living in the United States, you are entitled to some rights no matter your legal status; at least that should be the case. This isn’t true for most immigrants. As Jorge Ramos stated, “I don’t want to live in a country in which some people have privileges and rights and then you have 11 million people who have no rights whatsoever.” (Manjarres). Anti-Immigration laws are degrading, and cause a lot of racial profiling. There are also times when an immigrant will get harsher punishment for the same crime as somebody who is legal, or even have to wait months in order to find something out about their case. Laws should be upheld in the same manner for all people; immigrant or

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