
Why Do We Use DNA Profiling?

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“Deoxyribonucleic Acid, also known as (DNA), was first introduced in the 1800 by Alphonse Bertillon, a French Anthropologist. DNA, which defines the hereditary make-up found in humans and other living organisms, can be obtained from the blood, saliva, sweat, hair, and urine. DNA profiling was mainly used as a method of determining paternity.” (Cormier, 2005). In 1986, DNA was first introduced into the courts when investigator’s in England asked molecular biologist, Alec Jeffreys, to use DNA to verify the innocence of a 17 year-old boy. He had been identified as a perpetrator in two rape-murder cases in the English Midlands. The tests proved that the teenager was in fact innocent and was not the perpetrator of the crimes. Because of DNA testing the perpetrator was eventually …show more content…

Another reason why some believe that DNA is a wonderful tool to have is that some feel eyewitness testimony is not as accurate. In 1977 and 1979, the Bird Road Rapist attacked over 25 women. Luis Diaz in 1980 was convicted of eight charges of rape on Bird Road. The identification and testimonies from the victims landed Diaz with multiple life sentences” (Sainvil, 2012). He spent 26 years behind prison walls even though he did not match the description that was given in the beginning of the case. During that time two witnesses also recanted their statement. It was not until 2005 that Diaz was actually exonerated of the charge as a result of DNA testing.
Even though Forensic DNA has many advantages in a criminal investigation, it also has its disadvantages. Contamination, improper handling of evidence by police officers and laboratories, and forensic errors are a few of the disadvantages that can cause the evidence to be ineffective and unhelpful. The People of New York V.

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