
Why Hillary Clinton Should Be The Next President

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Hillary Clinton should be the next president of United States of America. This is why Hillary Clinton should be our next president, Hillary would be a better president rather than the other candidate’s. Hillary is a democrat so it would basically stay the same. Hillary Clinton is a forgiving person, she definitely doesn’t want to do anything she could regret. Do you want a person who can actually be a proper president, Hillary Clinton is the candidate for that job. Do ever notice how Donald Trump is always complaining and yelling, and is especially not welcoming very many people to his gatherings, Hillary would never not welcome a single person without a proper reason too. War is another great topic about presidency, are we having war or not, Hillary is the calm candidate to talk things out with the opposing country before having a war. Hillary Clinton has the degree and smarts to run this country, rather than the other candidates. HIllary is a democrat, so that would mean that basically everything would stay the same. Clinton is not going to change everything about america before their consent, if there's one thing that Hillary could change it would be gun control. Hillary doesn’t need to change very many things in america and …show more content…

Hillarys opponent Donald Trump wants to build a wall between Mexico and U.S.A that could cost billions, however Hillary knows what she is doing, she would not build a wall that is exactly 1,989 miles long that could take billions and years of labor and hard work. Besides, Hillary Clinton supports Latinos and immigrants, Hillary would like for them to be an american citizen. Hillary ran for president for her high school the 3 boys she was up against did make some very harsh remarks that hillary is a girl and will never win, she did loss but she forgave those boys, Hillary didn't quit on her lifetime

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