
Why I Become A Pediatrician

Decent Essays

The career I choose to become when I’m older is a pediatrician. I choose this career because when I was in the second grade our teacher was teaching a lesson on what you want to be when you 're older. I had no clue but I always wanted to help someone or something in needed like for example a vet or doctor. The skills i have for this position is caring for others. The ability to communicate with others as in listening carefully, asking questions, and speaking on a child’s level. I also have the desire to work with children, and using critical thinking to problem solve, using logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions, conclusions or approaches to problems. I appeal to this position because my interest in treating newborns and young children from when their born to when their young adults. The education I’ll need to become a pediatrician is Attend medical school and earn a doctor of medical degree. Must attend four year bachelor’s degree. Some students even earn master 's degree before applying for admission process. Medical school takes about four years and provides a general medical education. At the end program, you will be on MD then you must complete a residency. Residencies usually last three years. In addition, you 'll need to obtain a license from the state where you’ll be working. The ways to accomplish this career is graduating high school in the next year. My plan is to work at a part time job in the mean time save

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