
Why I Chose My Topic

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Why I Chose My Topic There has been an immense inundation of technological devices in the context of our society. One of the most creative and modern technologies ruling the world today are the cell phones. Cell phones have completely changed the way of society functions and thus the communication barriers have been eliminated to a considerable extent. Most of the teenagers today are looking to interact with their relatives and friends through their cell phones and do not depend on physical interactions. As an electrical engineering major, I have selected cell phones because I have studied regarding cellular communication in my under-graduation. Results of a survey of 170 student’s at large southern university revealed that …show more content…

Unsurprisingly my list was rather short and it seemed that I had more questions than answers. Cell phones have not just turned into a system for correspondence; they have advanced into a stimulation device. Since this little, hand-held machines appear to do everything; youthful children ask and argue for a wireless. The normal age for teenagers to get their own particular wireless is somewhere around 12 and 13. However that doesn 't mean you won 't see considerably more youthful youngsters with telephones. Around 3 percent of kids get their mobile phone under age 10 and 6 percent get them at age 10. Despite the fact that numerous folks may feel centre school is still excessively adolescent for understudies to have their own particular wireless, others may feel there are a few preferences to having these contraptions at such a youthful age. They like to have the capacity to stay in contact with their youngsters so they can take a more dynamic part in guaranteeing their security. Folks can even utilize programming, for example, wireless parental control programming to keep a closer eye on their kid 's every day exercises. I decided to focus my research on a few key questions that I had about cell phone usage among young adults. Primarily, I wanted to know how many hours does an average young adult

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