
Why I Want To Be An Engineer

Decent Essays

Growing up, Math and science were always my favorite subjects. This led me to desire a career that incorporates these two subjects. As I furthered my education, I discovered I was very interested in engineering. Being able to learn new things and apply that new knowledge is something I have always enjoyed doing. The high job market, life flexibility, financial security and social impact are all reasons I have chosen to pursue a career in software engineering. One reason I want to be an engineer is I enjoy that kind of work. Problem solving is one major part of engineering, and something I have always enjoyed doing. If I enjoy the work I do, engineering will fell much less like a “job”, and make it much more enjoyable. I always knew I never wanted to have to wake up every morning to go to a job I hated. With engineering, I am …show more content…

Currently, engineers are needed in all parts of the world. Being able to find a job easier will reduce a great deal of stress that may come with other careers. On top of that, because engineers are need all over the world, it is a great way to be able to travel. Although it may not be as relaxing is taking a vacation and traveling, it would still be a great opportunity to see the world. For these reasons, I am motivated to pursue a career in the engineering field. For me, the most important attribute for being an engineer is life flexibility. Seeing the life flexibility my mother has with her engineering job showed me how critical flexibility is. Anytime there was an emergency, my mother was always able to make herself available due to the flexibility of her job. My mother is also able to do the majority of her work from home. Having the flexibility to be able to work from home is another reason life flexibility is on the top of my list. Overall, having a flexible job is very important to me, and the flexibility of engineering is one reason I am drawn to that

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