
Why Is Tpajax Successful

Decent Essays

Fedor Potanin
Professor Bryan Wurthrich
October 19, 2015
Was the 1953 Coup d’état a success?
American-Iranian tensions have permeated the media for the past several years. Iran, a strategically positioned remnant of the Persian-Empire, a country with rampant anti-western ideology that is held by its’ highest echelons of authority will launch its own atomic program in the second half of 2015. The origin of American-Iranian tensions are often shrouded but modern relations directly stem from the 1953 Coup d'état, also known as TPAJAX. In its infancy, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) the primary planning agency for TPAJAX, would set the stage for American foreign policy throughout the second half of the 20th century and the remainder of the Cold War. The question is: was TPAJAX successful? …show more content…

The 20th century is the foundation for the modern world's absolute dependence on oil. In 1900 William Knox D’arcy, a British entrepreneur, funded a decade long expedition to find oil in Iran. In 1901 D’arcy proctored a six-year concession with Iranian officials that would guarantee all oil to his company and allot 16% of the proceeds back to the Iranian Shah. It was not until 1908 did D’arcy’s expedition strike oil; an event that lead to the formation of Anglo-Persian Oil Company (APOC) now formally known as British Petroleum (BP). APOC was nationalized by the British during World War I and until the 1979 Islamic Revolution served as a spring of oil for the British

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