
Why Study History John Fa Summary

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Fea’s title for his sixth chapter of Why Study History, is “History for a Civil Society”, where he points out that in order to have a more unified society in the present, we should learn from history’s trials and triumphs. Looking at every disagreement in our country, it is based on a cultural difference. For example, gun rights are important to some because they grew up in a household that believed guns represent power, protection, and safety. However, for someone who may have grown up in an area where guns were used violently against them, they will have a very different belief about guns. Fea stands firmly on the belief that “when taught correctly, history will impart the virtues of necessary to end the culture wars, transform our ways …show more content…

When we study the lives of those who lived in the “foreign country” of the past, we learn to be more loving and compassionate towards those who are a component of a contrasting culture from our own. We may learn to avoid judgement on other people due to cultural differences. Fea says, “When we are open to using the past as a mirror that forces us to come to grips with our own flaws, we relieve ourselves of the ‘humanly inescapable desire to judge, and ultimately to be the judge, to be the author of our own story, to be God’” (Fea 134). When we learn to judge ourselves and pull the log out of our own eye before worrying about the speck of sawdust in another’s eye, we will grow to be more understanding people. This chapter strengthens Fea’s points in the previous chapter about unity through sympathy for those of a varying culture. In conclusion to chapter seven, Fea writes, “We need to study history not because it can win us political points or help us push our social and cultural agendas forward, but because it has the amazing potential to transform our lives” (Fea 140). Becoming more forgiving and benevolent towards diverse individuals, whether in the present or the past, transforms us into a more relatable and rounded community, just as Christ would hope for us to

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