
Why The Supreme Court Is The Most Powerful

Decent Essays

The Supreme Court of the United States was established in 1789 by Article III of the United States Constitution. It is the highest federal court in the United States. The Supreme Court as head of the judicial system has the power to check the President of the United States and Congress. The Supreme Court provides the final interpretation of federal constitutional law and all decisions are final and absolute. The Supreme Court is to ensure that the U.S. Constitution is upheld.

The Supreme Court grained significant power under Chief Justice John Marshall. Prior to Justice Marshall’s tenure, the Supreme Court had never challenged an act of Congress. The Constitution did not clarify whether or not the Court had the power to do so. Chief …show more content…

Less than 100 of those cases will be heard. If the hearing is denied the ruling of the lower court stands. During a Supreme Court hearing attorneys present their case at which time justices may stop and ask questions. Multiple cases may be heard on one day. Once a hearing is finished, the Supreme Court justices deliberate in a locked and guarded room. Deliberations may take several days.

The Supreme Court is made of 9 justices in total. There is a Chief Justice of the United States and 8 associate justices. The appointment of a Supreme Court Justices is done by the President and then confirmed by the Senate. Justices receive a lifetime tenure unless they resign, retire or are removed after impeachment. Justices are typically separated into three different categories based on their law philosophies and judicial interpretation. These categories are conservative, moderate and liberal. Each justice receives one vote per case.
There are currently 8 Supreme Court Justices. Chief Justice Roberts is from Buffalo, New York. He is a Harvard graduate and has had a prestigious career spanning from law clerk to Special Assistant to the Attorney General to Associate Counsel to President Ronald Reagan. He has been sitting on the Supreme Court since September 29, 2005 and was nominated by President George W.

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