
Why Was The Irish Forced The Shah Out Of Iran?

Decent Essays

Why was the shah forced out of Iran? The shah had made some major changes to Iran. He industrialized and westernized Iran. He also caused the oil boom, which was when Iran was rich with oil. His name was Mohammed Reza. He ruled personally with few constitutional limitations. Gradually over the years, more and more people began going against the shah. Then they forced him out of Iran. One of the reasons why they forced the shah out of Iran was because he was modernizing Iran without preserving Iran’s culture. Another reason was that he had a brutal secret police called the SAVAK, which harassed and killed people. Another reason was the wealth inequality between social classes. He may have benefited Iran’s economy, but he was unfair to the Iranians. One reason why they forced the shah out of Iran was because he was modernizing Iran without preserving its culture. Iranians were strict when it came to religion and culture. In the process of westernizing and modernizing Iran Mohammed was changing their traditional culture and it was affecting their religious beliefs. This made then Iranians and Islam’s very angry. “In 1963, the shah launched his “White revolution” a broad government program that included land reform, infrastructure …show more content…

Another example “ The shah saw himself foremost as a Persian king…in 1976, he formally Replaced the Islamic calendar with a Persian calendar. Religious discontent grew and the Shah became more repressive…” ( Staff page 3) The shah did what he wanted with out considering how the Islam’s would feel. The shah took something from their religion and changed it. This caused the Iranians to become angry with the

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