
Why Won 't You Fix The Printer?

Decent Essays

“Why won’t you fix the printer?”
“I can’t, mom. I don’t know how…” I said exasperatedly.
“You’re studying electrical engineering, this thing is electric, what is the problem here?”
“Mom… no… that’s not exactly how it goes works…”

One of the things I absolutely love (and hate in the case above) about electrical engineering is just how broad it is. I can do anything from building robots to designing power distribution grids to fabricating transistors in a clean room. It’s a Choose Your Own Adventure-esque major, with immense depth into each specialty. I happened to choose a specialty that skimped out on specifics of printer design and troubleshooting. My passion is focused specifically on signal process, and to me, it is an art form. There …show more content…

My first exposure to this field was Professor Joseph Havlicek’s Signals and Systems class. I enjoyed learning various types of Fourier Transforms in both continuous and discrete domain and the signal characteristics they represent. This class sparked in me an interest for signal characteristics. Although basic filtering techniques were taught in circuits class, Signals and Systems went on to explain their underlying spectral theories. I am currently taking Digital Signal Processing, with a strong emphasis on discrete filtering and sampling techniques. Concurrent to DSP, I am also taking a graduate level Weather Radar Theory class that applies signal processing to stochastic weather radar signals. This class introduced me to unique applications of signal processing in the study of meteorology. I thoroughly enjoy the utilization of DSP concepts such as power spectral density and fast Fourier transforms in relaying vital weather information. For the upcoming semester, I am scheduled to take Digital Image Processing and Biomedical Signals and Systems to expand my existing knowledge in signal processing and applications.

One of the most amazing opportunities I experienced was a summer of NSF funded research at the University of Tennessee. This Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program was my first time doing research. I worked on the topic of distribution network reconfiguration under the guidance of Professor Fran Li. Over the course of 8

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