
William Butler Yeats: Modern Day Music

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Modern day music lyrics speak of love trials and significant important memories the authors have experienced, ones that they intertwine and manipulate to set a specific atmosphere throughout their work. William Butler Yeats, has a similar source of inspiration for some of his work. Yeats often wrote his poems about Maud Gonne. Yeats has proposed to Gonne several times, and got rejected each occasion. His rejections never stopped him from being inspired by her. “When you are old and grey and full of sleep,/And nodding by the fire”. (Yeats~When You Are Old) This goes to show that Yeats can picture Gonne and himself growing old together and watch each other go through the process of life, and also shows she inspired this poem. It seems to be obvious …show more content…

In addition to trying to voice the public, he also made an essence of the poem by including the variations of the people in society; referencing the poem, he was sure to include the different people in society to acknowledge that the world will also be affected. Yeats mentions, “A young girl in the indolence of her youth…”, he is trying his best to make it conspicuous that an adolescent female has absolutely no say in the government's actions and the politics corresponding along with it. Although nobody will ever listen to a young girls opinion, Yeats was trying to show the world that the political decisions that the government makes will affect everybody, even those without a voice. In conjunction with Yeats referencing the young girl, he had mentioned an old man in winter. Yeats had used the old man in winter to refer to the fact that an old man is helpless anyway, so nobody cares about his opinion in the political aspect of the world. Also, the winter puts a damper on everybody, but especially the older folks who cannot help themselves. Yeats was asked to write a poem about the first world war, but he took it to another level and wrote about the different types of people it would affect. Because he has always had a passion for politics, when Henry James gave Yeats this opportunity, he could not turn it down. Because of Yeats love for political content, he had written this poem with no hesitation, he could have rejected James of this offer, but he quickly and very thoroughly wrote this poem bringing meaning to the world. Yeats had always cherished the government and its works, therefore, he incorporated his love for political content into his love for the poetic

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