
Women's Experience Mortgage Credit

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4. Conclusion The purpose of this study was to examine whether women’s experience mortgage credit after the 2008 housing crisis. Origination, denial, and fallout rates were produced from HMDA data and fallout rates. These rates captured the behavioral performance of lenders during the loan underwriting process; thus, shedding light on women 's credit experience as compared to men in the mortgage market. Between gender comparisons, the results reveal good news. The women‘s mortgage credit experience is statistically equal to men as measured by mortgage origination, denial and fallout rates. These findings are consistent with some mortgage gender stud-ies such as Dietrich and Johannsson [15], Robinson [9], Awoonor-Williams [14]. They are in contrast to other studies, Woodstock Institute [10] and Cyr [11]. Dietrich and Johannsson [15] study used a multivariate model, which control for economic factors considered during the underwriting decision. They found 15 of 18 fair lending exams had no statistical gender effect on the decision to deny a mortgage. The Robinson [9] study found that applications for low-income women were more likely to be originated than men of similar income. Awoonor-Williams [14] found that being a female statistically did not increase applicants’ denial experience; results were based on Freddie Mac 's national consumer credit survey and logistic regression analysis. Control-ling for income and loan type, Diabate [13] found little differences

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