
Work Team Effectiveness & Organization Culture

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Work Team Effectiveness and Organizational Culture
Gene One Benchmarking
March 20, 2007

Gene One Benchmarking
Change is not always easy to come by. Sometimes change causes a good thing to go bad, while at other times it can cause bad things to improve. Businesses have to be ready for change management at any juncture within their life cycle if they expect to have longevity within the industries that they operate. However, these changes can only be overcome through positive direction from leaders within the company and through that organization’s infrastructure maintaining similar mindsets throughout its makeup. Change can carry with it a multiplicity of …show more content…

Comparison and Contrast
Although these three companies operate in three unrelated industries, mail delivery services, education, and transportation, these companies reflect that work team effectiveness is topic worthy of consideration amongst any industry. Furthermore, these three companies convey the same principles throughout the scope of work team effectiveness. These companies believe that clear communication across their company’s structure creates an environment in which every employee and client can understand the directions of the company. They maintain the optimal levels of communication through training their employees as the company or industry standards evolve; then they convey this knowledge to their clientele. To clarify these concepts of clear communication and training observe some specific actions of each of these companies as they foster effective team atmospheres within their organizations.
Leapfrog’s leadership teams come together to ponder, network, and conduct open-minded discussions as they clarify and periodically redefine all stakeholders’ perspectives. They believe in spokesperson representation to signify the sound of one collective voice. UPS covers four categories to assure their company’s leadership is effective. Those categories are 1) enhanced work

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