
Worldview : How Does It Influence Our Daily Lives?

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Worldview Paper
What is a worldview? How does it influence our daily lives? A worldview is how we see reality. It influences the way we live our lives. It influences the way we interact with each other. A worldview is a belief system of who we are, why we are here, and what our destiny is.
Part I
What is a worldview?
A worldview is a system of beliefs that we model our lives after. It is how we perceive the world and others around us (Rusbult, n.d.). A person’s worldview is affected by how he/she is raised, his/her culture, his/her living situation (Rusbult, n.d.). A person’s parents and upbringing plays an important part in how that person interacts with others and thinks. A world view is like wearing colored glasses (Gutierrez, 2014). The way we see things, or perceive things, is based on the color of the glasses we are wearing. Where did we get these colored glasses? We obtain our “worldview glasses” from our parents, our culture, our friends, the media, and our religious beliefs. (109 words)
Part II
The Question of Origin. There are many beliefs as to where we came from. Naturalism believes that we “evolved” from a simpler life form or by accident (All About Worldview: Where Did we Come From?, 2015). That we exist because of science. Pantheism believes that everything exists together. That life is a circle (Rusbult, n.d.). Theism is the belief that there is something greater that created everything (Rusbult, n.d.). According to the Bible (Gen. 1:26-27), God created man

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