
Youth Work Philosophy Statement

Decent Essays

Over 25 years ago, I walked through the doors of a youth conference as a young instructor excited at having the chance to teach and reach young people for Christ. I begin to scan the room looking for the person in charge. To my amazement I was directed to a 92 year old lady who was frantically moving about the room trying to gain some degree of control. As the chaos found some resemblance of order, we begin our adventure of trying to teach the youth about Christ. Unfortunately, there had been no preparation, curriculum, or direction. Our sole instruction was, “teach them whatever you teach at your church”. This is often a predicament that many youth workers face, which leads to teaching without goals, objective, or a clear vision, in other …show more content…

Although I have been afforded many opportunities to teach youth workers across the state and even on a National level, I believe that pursuing a degree in Biblical studies with a concentration on youth work would greatly benefit not only my personal ministry, but help other youth workers, and ultimately our youth which would help them develop a closer relationship with Christ, and live according the purpose God has called them to. Many youth workers have been brought up believing that the ways we’ve reached and taught youth in the past will continue to work for generations to come. This is not true. As the hymn writer, Charles Wesley wrote, “A charge to keep I have, A God to glorify, A never-dying soul to save, and fit it for the sky. To serve the present age, my calling to fulfill: O may it all my powers engage to do my master’s will! We must be mindful that what we had to deal with does not compare to what this generation faces from day to day. We did not grow up in the drug infested, gang ridden, over burdened, under loved, under nourished, crime infested, surrogate parent, impoverish, sexually explicit war zones that they live

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