
criminology Essay

Decent Essays

This essay is going to discuss the causes of crime and evaluate the theories of criminalisation using one theory for each of the following themes. The themes are labelling and deviant identity of criminalisation, theory of delinquency and criminalisation, theory of political economy and criminalisation, and finally radical theory of criminalisation. This essay will also show some of the weaknesses of each of the theories used for these themes.

The first theme is labelling and deviant identity theory of criminalisation, one of the main contributors to this theory was Howard Becker who in 1963 wrote the book “Outsiders” which provided the foundations of labelling theory. Becker looked at how social groups created deviance by creating the …show more content…

Sykes and Matza state that there is five contributory factors to the rationalisation process these are “ denial of responsibility, denial of injury, denial of the victim, condemnation of the condemners, and appeal to the higher loyalties.” Denial of responsibility is when a delinquent will blame another group for his criminal act such as his parents did not give them a good upbringing or his school let him down, they look at themselves as the victim. Denial of injury is when they rationalise there action because nobody was hurt, for example vandalism or shoplifting from a large store chain who they believe can afford the lose. Denial of the victim is when they state that the victim deserved it. Condemnation of the condemners they blame the other group for there actions and try to deflect responsibility and appeal to higher loyalties they are fighting for the ethical good. Chambliss and Snider state that capitalism is the main contributor to delinquency as we strive to achieve personal wealth and gain an individual who does not achieve this feel justified in delinquent behaviour.

Theory of political economy and criminalisation this looks at how capitalism can shape delinquent and deviant behaviour. Chambliss argues :

“The heart of the capitalist economic system is the protection of private property, which is, by definition, the cornerstone upon which capitalist economies function. It is not surprising, then to find that criminal law reflects this basic

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