
16 And Pregnant

Decent Essays

This article talks about the effects that 16 and pregnant has had on society. The writer has researched a variety of the effects that the show has had on the viewers and has backed the statements it has made up with all of the statics on teenage pregnancies since the show first started. The article talks about how the purpose of the show 16 and pregnant was to reduce the number of teenage pregnancies in America and it did just that. After the show first aired in June 2011 teenage pregnancy rates in America dropped 5.7 percent in the first eighteen months after it was aired, which meant a third of the pregnancies in America were reduced in that time frame.

Teen mothers in the media are presented as stupid, naïve girls and/ or ‘DOL bludgers’ due to dropping out of secondary education to care for an infant while …show more content…

Teenage mothers have a bad name in society due to the series showing all of the dramas and implications that these girls have. The producers were very selective when choosing the girls that they would put on their show. Due to wanting girls that had the most interesting stories that would relate to a variety of viewers. To keep viewers the producers needed drama on the show to keep the audience entertained and this often meant showing the stories of troubled teens that were unsettled parents that didn't have a clue how they were going to take care of an infant causing society to believe that all teenage parents are like this. Because of how bad society views teenage mothers it can girls to become terrified of having their parents find out. This has caused many girls to undergo life threatening abortion procedures that can cause serious implications, including never being able to bear another child in the future and can cause serious physiological

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